Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Religion in schools illegal...Pledge To Obama???

Religion in schools now illegal...
Pledge to Obama?

Schools recently within the last 2 years have now banned children from praying in school. The school system has made it illegal, I think this is another way for the government and the elites to make their ruling over the new world order. Another thing that totally disgusts me is that the school system updated the Pledge Of Allegiance to "Pledge Of Allegiance to Obama" i will post an article i found about it below. This whole thing about erasing god from schools is completely insane. The new world order worships satan and they are trying to make children forget about their religion and pray to obama instead is an outrage!

Pledge Of Allegiance Becomes Pledge to Obama

Janurary 29, 2009

After investigating this morning, the other parent reported that what the boy said was true.

At least three of the five classrooms have an overhead projector and as the children stand to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the teacher turns on the classroom overhead and a full body image of Obama, with six U.S. flags behind him, comes up about 4 feet away from the flag that hangs on the wall. The screen is apparently around five feet by six feet.

In the image, President Obama appears to be staring straight out with no facial expression, just a serious look. All of the kids in each class faced the President, instead of the flag that hangs in the corner.

A parent in the Clark County School District of Las Vegas, Henderson area reported January 27th that his son, who is in 1st grade, came home yesterday saying that he didn't want to go back to school anymore.

When asked why, the boy said that during the Pledge of Allegiance the teacher put up a large image of Obama next to the flag.

Thinking that the boy might be exaggerating, the man asked his son if he was sure, and suggested that by "large" he might mean an 8x10 photo of the president. The boy apparently said "No, it is a large picture of

Obama and when we are done, the teacher turns off the image."

The same thing was not done for President Bush last year.

After investigating this morning, the other parent reported that what the boy said was true.

Local parents are up in arms over this situation. Teachers clearly do not realize the gravity of what they are doing.

Update Jan 28th: The parents spoke to the Vice-Principal this afternoon. He said he would take care of it. I will check with them tomorrow and update this story.

Update Jan 29th: The teachers at the school today talked to the children about flag etiquette and the meaning of the flag and why the pledge is made. The lights were left on in the room, so the flag could be clearly seen and the children were told that they should face towards and look at the flag. The parent spoke to the Principal and the child's teacher. The Principal said they would not show the image of the president at the same time as the pledge tomorrow. The Principal apologized for causing offense. The parent and Principal and teacher left on good terms.


  • "Americans are being denied the right to express their religious speech in the public square." Ralph Reed, Christian Coalition.

  • "Public schools can neither foster religion nor preclude it. Our public schools must treat religion with fairness and respect and vigorously protect religious expression as well as the freedom of conscience of all other students. In so doing our public schools reaffirm the First Amendment and enrich the lives of their students". Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley June 1998

  • "A Congress that allows God to be banned from our schools while our schools can teach about cults, Hitler and even devil worship is wrong, out of touch, and needs some common sense." Rep. James Traficant, (D-OH) 1999-APR-27.

  • "There is no such source and cause of strife, quarrel, fights, malignant opposition, persecution, and war, and all evil in the state, as religion. Let it once enter our civil affairs, our government would soon be destroyed. Let it once enter our common schools, they would be destroyed." Supreme Court of Wisconsin, Weiss v. District Board, 1890-MAR-18.

  • "A union of government and religion tends to destroy government and degrade religion." Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, Engel v. Vitale, (1962)

  • "School sponsorship of a religious message is impermissible because it sends the ancillary message to members of the audience who are nonadherents that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community, and an accompanying message to adherents that they are insiders, favored members of the political community. " U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Santa Fe v. Doe, (2000).

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fluride and aspartame the weapons of mass distruction

HUMAN BEINGS (aka Sheeples - Sheep people)

(This article is brought to you with exclusive permission from

For years now our U.S. Government has been poisoning us with Floride and Lithium, For those of you who don't know Lithium is the by-product of Car Batteries and the Atomic Bomb! These drugs that are put into our drinking water are put into terms by our government "To Protect the American people" wither or not to prevent suicides or not the drugging of this water is insane and its sole purpose is to let the illuminati drug you to the point where you cant protect yourself and make you more controllable with mind control.

Fluoride was the key chemical in atomic bomb production, according to the documents. Massive quantities-millions of tons-were essential for the manufacture of bomb-grade uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons throughout the Cold War. One of the most toxic chemicals known, fluoride emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the US atomic bomb program, both for workers and for nearby communities, the documents reveal.

Drinking water which contains the element lithium may reduce the risk of suicide, a Japanese study suggests.

Researchers examined levels of lithium in drinking water and suicide rates in the prefecture of Oita, which has a population of more than one million.

The suicide rate was significantly lower in those areas with the highest levels of the element, they wrote in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

High doses of lithium are already used to treat serious mood disorders.

But the team from the universities of Oita and Hiroshima found that even relatively low levels appeared to have a positive impact of suicide rates.

Levels ranged from 0.7 to 59 micrograms per litre. The researchers speculated that while these levels were low, there may be a cumulative protective effect on the brain from years of drinking this tap water.

Floride is bad, very bad

the effects of this by-product of the manufacturing of Aluminum, and at the time to a greater degree from the Phosphate/Ammonium-Nitrate fertilizer industry were originally discovered in Europe just before the turn of the 20th Century. At that time this "fertilizer", was used primarily for making munitions... The effects became known quickly when farm animals and people who lived in the areas where the waste was disposed of, began exhibiting strange neurological and physiological symptoms...

I'm sure there are documents that show experiments by the NAZI's and others of that ilk, using this all too available neuro-toxin... The effects of which, are masked under the obscure names of new neurological diseases, a plethora of which have cropped up here in the US over the last 50 years... This is some deadly stuff, people are being fooled into thinking that this fluoride is somehow the same organic molecule, calcium fluoro phosphate, that occurs naturally to greater and lesser degree in water supplies throughout the world.

This is what is being put in our public water supplies as we speak... It goes in at a rate of one 50 pound bag of Sodium-Fluoro-Silicate "TOXIC WASTE", per every 1.5 to 2 million gallons of water they pump... That is about 2 to 4 Parts Per Million. THIS TOXIN IS CUMULATIVE AND OVER TIME IT IS DEBILITATING AND DEADLY.


Aspartame was not approved until 1981, in dry foods. For over eight years the FDA refused to approve it because of the seizures and brain tumors this drug produced in lab animals. The FDA continued to refuse to approve it until President Reagan took office (a friend of Searle) and fired the FDA Commissioner who wouldn't approve it. Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes was appointed as commissioner. Even then there was so much opposition to approval that a Board of Inquiry was set up. The Board said: "Do not approve aspartame". Dr. Hayes OVERRULED his own Board of Inquiry.

Shortly after Commissioner Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., approved the use of aspartame in carbonated beverages, he left for a position with G.D. Searle's Public Relations firm.

Long-Term Damage. It appears to cause slow, silent damage in those unfortunate enough to not have immediate reactions and a reason to avoid it. It may take one year, five years, 10 years, or 40 years, but it seems to cause some reversible and some irreversible changes in health over long-term use.

METHANOL (AKA WOOD ALCOHOL/POISON) (10% OF ASPARTAME) Methanol/wood alcohol is a deadly poison. People may recall that methanol was the poison that has caused some "skid row" alcoholics to end up blind or dead. Methanol is gradually released in the small intestine when the methyl group of aspartame encounter the enzyme chymotrypsin.

The absorption of methanol into the body is sped up considerably when free methanol is ingested. Free methanol is created from aspartame when it is heated to above 86 Fahrenheit (30 Centigrade). This would occur when aspartame-containing product is improperly stored or when it is heated (e.g., as part of a "food" product such as Jello).

Methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde in the body. Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin. An EPA assessment of methanol states that methanol "is considered a cumulative poison due to the low rate of excretion once it is absorbed. In the body, methanol is oxidized to formaldehyde and formic acid; both of these metabolites are toxic." The recommend a limit of consumption of 7.8 mg/day. A one-liter (approx. 1 quart) aspartame-sweetened beverage contains about 56 mg of methanol. Heavy users of aspartame-containing products consume as much as 250 mg of methanol daily or 32 times the EPA limit.

The most well known problems from methanol poisoning are vision problems. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, causes retinal damage, interferes with DNA replication, and causes birth defects. Due to the lack of a couple of key enzymes, humans are many times more sensitive to the toxic effects of methanol than animals. Therefore, tests of aspartame or methanol on animals do not accurately reflect the danger for humans. As pointed out by Dr Woodrow C. Monte, Director of the Food Science and Nutrition Laboratory at Arizona State University, "There are no human or mammalian studies to evaluate the possible mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic effects of chronic administration of methyl alcohol."

It has been pointed out that fruit juices and alcoholic beverages contain small amounts of methanol. It is important to remember, that the methanol in natural products never appears alone. In every case, ethanol is present, usually in much higher amounts. Ethanol is an antidote for methanol toxicity in humans. The troops of Desert Storm were "treated" to large amounts of aspartame-sweetened beverages which had been heated to over 86 degrees F. in the Saudi Arabian sun. Many of them returned home with numerous disorders similar to what has been seen in persons who have been chemically poisoned by formaldehyde. The free methanol in the beverages may have been a contributing factor in these illnesses. Other breakdown products of aspartame such as DKP, may also have been a factor.

In a 1993 act that can only be described as "unconscionable", the FDA approved aspartame as an ingredient in numerous food items that would always be heated to above 86°degrees F (30°Degrees C).

Much worse, on 27 June 1996, without public notice, the FDA removed all restrictions from aspartame allowing it to be used in everything, including all heated and baked goods.

The truth about aspartame's toxicity is far different than what the NutraSweet Company would have you readers believe. In February of 1994, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released the listing of adverse reactions reported to the FDA (DHHS 1994). Aspartame accounted for more than 75% of all adverse reactions reported to the FDA's Adverse Reaction Monitoring System (ARMS). By the FDA's own admission fewer then ONE PERCENT of those who have problems with something they consume ever report it to the FDA. This balloons the almost 10,000 complaints they once had to around a million. However, the FDA has a record keeping problem (they never did respond to the certified letter from the WEBMASTER of this site... a major victim!) and they tend to discourage or even misdirect complaints, at least on aspartame. The fact remains, though, that MOST victims don't have a clue that aspartame may be the cause of their many problems! Many reactions to aspartame were very serious including seizures and death.

Those reactions included:

Abdominal Pain
Anxiety attacks
Asthmatic Reactions
Bloating, Edema (Fluid Retention)
Blood Sugar Control Problems (Hypoglycemia or Hyperglycemia)
Brain Cancer (Pre-approval studies in animals)
Breathing difficulties
burning eyes or throat
Burning Urination
can't think straight
Chest Pains
chronic cough
Chronic Fatigue
Excessive Thirst or Hunger
feel unreal
flushing of face
Hair Loss (Baldness) or Thinning of Hair
Headaches/Migraines dizziness
Hearing Loss
Heart palpitations
Hives (Urticaria)
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Impotency and Sexual Problems
inability to concentrate
Infection Susceptibility
Joint Pains
"like thinking in a fog"
Marked Personality Changes
Memory loss
Menstrual Problems or Changes
Migraines and Severe Headaches (Trigger or Cause From Chronic Intake)
Muscle spasms
Nausea or Vomiting
Numbness or Tingling of Extremities
Other Allergic-Like Reactions
Panic Attacks
poor memory
Rapid Heart Beat
Seizures and Convulsions
Slurring of Speech
Swallowing Pain
Vision Loss
Weight gain

Aspartame Disease Mimics Symptoms or Worsens the Following Diseases

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Parkinson's Disease
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)
Diabetes and Diabetic Complications
Alzheimer's Disease
Birth Defects
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Lyme Disease
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Panic Disorder
Depression and other Psychological Disorders

Aspartame is also one of the major reasons for obesity.

How it happens:

Methanol, from aspartame, is released in the small intestine when the methyl group of aspartame encounters the enzyme chymotrypsin (Stegink 1984, page 143). Free methanol begins to form in liquid aspartame-containing products at temperatures above 86 degrees F.. also within the human body.

The methanol is then converted to formaldehyde. The formaldehyde converts to formic acid, ant sting poison. Toxic formic acid is used as an activator to strip epoxy and urethane coatings. Imagine what it does to your tissues!

Phenylalanine and aspartic acid, 90% of aspartame, are amino acids normally used in synthesis of protoplasm when supplied by the foods we eat. But when unaccompanied by other amino acids we use [there are 20], they are neurotoxic.

That is why a warning for Phenylketonurics is found on EQUAL and other aspartame products. Phenylketenurics are 2% of the population with extreme sensitivity to this chemical unless it's present in food. It gets you too, causing brain disorders and birth defects! Finally, the phenyalanine breaks down into DKP, a brain tumor agent.

In other words: Aspartame converts to dangerous byproducts that have no natural countermeasures. A dieter's empty stomach accelerates these conversions and amplifies the damage. Components of aspartame go straight to the brain, damage that causes headaches, mental confusion, seizures and faulty balance. Lab rats and other test animals died of brain tumors.

Despite the claims of Monsanto and bedfellows:

1. Methanol from alcohol and juices does not get converted to formaldehyde to any significant extent. There is very strong evidence to confirm this fact for alcoholic beverages and fairly strong evidence for juices.

2. Formaldehyde obtained from methanol is very toxic in *very small* doses as seen by recent research.

3. Aspartame causes chronic toxicity reactions/damage due to the methanol to formaldehyde and other break down products despite what is claimed otherwise by the very short, industry-funded experiments using a test substance that is chemically different and absorbed differently than what is available to the general public. "Strangely enough", almost all independent studies show that aspartame can cause health problems.

4. A common ploy from Monsanto is to claim that aspartame is "safe" yet a few select people may have "allergic" reactions to it. This is typical Monsanto nonsense, of course. Their own research shows that it does not cause "allergic" reactions. It is there way of trying to minimize and hide the huge numbers of toxicity reactions and damage that people are experiencing from the long-term use of aspartame.


Given the following points, it is definitely premature for researchers to discount the role of methanol in aspartame side effects:

1. The amount of methanol ingested from aspartame is unprecedented in human history. Methanol from fruit juice ingestion does not even approach the quantity of methanol ingested from aspartame, especially in persons who ingest one to three liters (or more) of diet beverages every day. Unlike methanol from aspartame, methanol from natural products is probably not absorbed or converted to its toxic metabolites in significant amounts as discussed earlier.

2. Lack of laboratory-detectable changes in plasma formic acid and formaldehyde levels do not preclude damage being caused by these toxic metabolites. Laboratory-detectable changes in formate levels are often not found in short exposures to methanol.

3. Aspartame-containing products often provide little or no nutrients which may protect against chronic methanol poisoning and are often consumed in between meals. Persons who ingest aspartame-containing products are often dieting and more likely to have nutritional deficiencies than persons who take the time to make fresh juices.

4. Persons with certain health conditions or on certain drugs may be much more susceptible to chronic methanol poisoning.

5. Chronic diseases and side effects from slow poisons often build silently over a long period of time. Many chronic diseases which seem to appear suddenly have actually been building in the body over many years.

6. An increasing body of research is showing that many people are highly sensitive to low doses of formaldehyde in the environment. Environmental exposure to formaldehyde and ingestion of methanol (which converts to formaldehyde) from aspartame likely has a cumulative deleterious effect.

7. Formic acid has been shown to slowly accumulate in various parts of the body. Formic acid has been shown to inhibit oxygen metabolism.

8. The are a very large and growing number of persons are experiencing chronic health problems similar to the side effects of chronic methanol poisoning when ingesting aspartame-containing products for a significant length of time. This includes many cases of eye damage similar to the type of eye damage seen in methanol poisoning cases.

Toxicity Effects of Aspartame Use Selection of Health Effects from Short-term and/or Long-Term Use Note: It often takes at least sixty days without any aspartame NutraSweet to see a significant improvement. Check all labels very carefully (including vitamins and pharmaceuticals). Look for the word "aspartame" on the label and avoid it. (Also, it is a good idea to avoid "acesulfame-k" or "sunette.") Finally, avoid getting nutrition information from junk food industry PR organizations such as IFIC or organizations that accept large sums of money from the junk and chemical food industry such as the American Dietetic Association.

If you are a user of any products with aspartame, and you have physical, visual, mental problems... take the 60-day no aspartame test. If, after two months with no aspartame your symptoms are either gone, or are much less severe, please get involved to get this neurotoxin off the market. Write a letter to the FDA, with a copy to Betty Martini (for proof of how the FDA doesn't keep proper records). Write your congressmen. Return products containing aspartame to the point of purchase... for a FULL refund. Make a big stink if they WON'T give you a full refund! Tell all your friends and family... and if they stop using aspartame and also "wake up well"... get them involved in the same way.

Aspartame is an "approved sweetener" because of a few greedy and dishonest people who place profits above human life and well-being. With the FDA and our Congress culpable, only an INFORMED and ACTIVE public will affects its reclassification from "food additive" to TOXIC DRUG, and removed from the human food chain.


This is all part of the illuminati's plan to poison and remain population control. Read ingredient labels carefully before you buy!!! Save yourself on doctor bills. I haven't drank soda in 3 years now. I'm 20 years old and i haven't been sick since i was 18 years old! I was also 265 pounds in high school now im down to 220 but i have alot of muscle now so it ways more then fat but after drinking soda alone i dropped 35 pounds! Try it

MJ-12 and the secret government

Majestic 12 and The Secret Government (page 1 of 3)

Posted with permission from Above Top Secret the link to this article can be found at:

Before Majestic 12

During the years following World War II the Government of the United States was confronted with a series of events which were to change beyond prediction its future and with it the future of humanity. These events were so incredible that they defied belief. A stunned President Truman and his top military Commanders found themselves virtually impotent after having just won the most devastating and costly war in history. The United States had developed, used, and was the only nation on earth in possession of the Atomic Bomb which alone had the potential to destroy any enemy, and even the Earth itself. At that time the United States had the best economy, the most advanced technology, the highest standard of living, exerted the most influence, and fielded the largest and most powerful military forces in history.

We can only imagine the confusion and concern when the informed elite of the United States Government discovered that an alien spacecraft piloted by insect like beings from a totally incomprehensible culture had crashed in the desert of New Mexico.

Between January 1947 and December 1952 at least 16 crashed or downed alien craft, 65 alien bodies, and 1 live alien were recovered. An additional alien craft had exploded and nothing was recovered from that incident. Of these incidents, 13 occurred within the borders of the United States not including the craft which disintegrated in the air. Of these 13, 1 was in Arizona, 11 were in New Mexico, and 1 was in Nevada. Three occured in foreign countries. Of those 1 was in Norway, and the last 2 were in Mexico. Sightings of UFO's were so numerous that serious investigation and debunking of each report became impossible utilizing the existing intelligence assets.

Alien-Earth Presence

An alien craft was found on February 13, 1948 on a mesa near Aztec, New Mexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1948 in Hart Canyon near Aztec, New Mexico. It was 100 feet in diameter. A total of 17 alien bodies were recovered from those two craft. Of even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles. A demon had reared its ugly head and paranoia quickly took hold of everyone then "in the know." The secret lid immediately became an Above Top Secret lid and was screwed down tight. The security blanket was even tighter than that imposed upon the Manhattan Project. In the coming years these events were to become the most closely guarded secrets in the history of the world.

A special group of America's top scientists were organized and a program under the name Project Sign was created in December of 1947 to study the phenomenon. The whole nasty business was contained within the shroud of secrecy. Project Sign evolved into Project Grudge in December of 1948. A low level collection and disinformation project named Blue Book was formed under Grudge. 16 volumes were to come out of Grudge including the controversial "Grudge 13" which I and Bill English saw, read, and revealed to the public. "Blue Teams" were put together to recover the crashed disks and dead or alive aliens. The Blue Teams were later to evolve into Alpha Teams under Project Pounce.

During these early years the United States Air Force and the CIA exercised complete control over the Alien Secret. In fact the CIA was formed by Presidential Executive Order first as the Central Intelligence Group for the express purpose of dealing with the alien presence. Later the National Security Act (NSA) was established to oversee the intelligence community and especially the alien endeavor. A series of National Security Council memos and Executive Orders removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly but thoroughly "legalized" direct action in the form of covert activities at home and abroad.

Intelligence Gathering

On December 9, 1947, Truman approved issuance of NSC-4, entitled "Coordination of Foreign Intelligence Information Measures" at the urging of Secretaries Marshall, Forrestal, Patterson, and the director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff, Kennan.

The Foreign and Military Intelligence, Book 1, "Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental operations with respect to Intelligence Activities." United States Senate, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Report No. 94-755, April 26, 1976, page 49 states: "This directive enpowered the secretary of state to coordinate overseas information activities designed to counter communism. A top secret annex to NSC-4, NSC-4A, instructed the director of Central Intelligence to undertake covert psychological activities in pursuit of the aims set forth in NSC-4. The initial authority given the CIA for covert operations under NSC-4A did not establish formal procedures for either coordinating or approving these operations. It simply directed the DCI to "undertake covert actions and ensure, through liaison with State and Defense, that the resulting operations were consistent with American policy."

Later NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 were to supersede NSC-4 and NSC-4A and expand the covert abilities even further. The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) was chartered to carry out an expanded program of covert activities. NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 validated illegal and extra-legal practices and procedures as being agreeable to the national security leadership. The reaction was swift. In the eyes of the intelligence community "no holes were barred". Under NSC-10/1 an Executive Coordination Group, was established to review, but not approve, covert project proposals. The CG was secretly tasked to coordinate the alien projects. NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 were interpreted to mean that no one at the top wanted to know about anything until it was over and successful. these actions established a buffer between the President and the information. It was intended that this buffer serve as a means for the President to deny knowledge if leaks divulged the true state of affairs.

This buffer was used in later years for the purpose of effectively isolating succeeding Presidents from the knowledge of the alien presence other than what the Secret Government and the intelligence community wanted them to know. NSC-10/2 established a study panel which met secretly and was made up of scientific minds of the day. The study panel was NOT called MJ-12. Another NSC memo, NSC-10/5 further outlined the duties of the study panel. These NSC memos and secret Executive Orders set the stage for the creation of MJ-12 only 4 years later.

First Victim of the Cover-up

Secretary of defense James Forrestal began to object to the secrecy. He was a very idealistic and religious man who believed that the public should be told. When he began to talk to leaders of the opposition party and leaders of congress about the alien problem he was asked to resign by Truman. He expressed his fears to many people and rightfully believed that he was being watched. This was interpreted by those who were ignorant of the facts as paranoia. Forrestal later was said to have suffered a mental breakdown and was admitted to Bethesda Naval Hospital. In fact it was feared that Forrestal would begin to talk again and he had to be isolated and discredited. Sometime in the early morning of May 22, 1949 agents of the CIA tied a sheet around his neck, fastened the other end to a fixture in his room and threw James Forrestal out the window. The sheet tore and he plummeted to his death. He became one of the first victims of the cover-up.


The live alien that had been taken from the 1947 Roswell crash was named EBE. The name had been suggested by Dr. Vannever Bush and was short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. EBE had a tendency to lie and for over a year would give only the desired answer to questions asked. Those questions which would have resulted in an undesirable answer went unanswered. At some point during the second year of captivity he began to open up and the information derived from EBE was startling, to say the least. This compilation of his revelations became the foundation of what would later be called the "Yellow Book". Photographs were taken of EBE which, among others, I and Bill English were to view years later in GRUDGE 13. In late 1951 EBE became ill. Medical personnel had been unable to determine the cause of EBE's illness and had no background from which to draw. EBE's system was chlorophyll based and he processed food into energy much the same as plants. Waste material was excreted the same as plants. It was decided that an expert on botany was called for. A botanist, Dr. Guillermo Mendoza, was brought in to try and help him recover. Dr. Mendoza worked to save EBE until mid-1952 when EBE died. Dr. Mendoza became an expert on alien biology.

In a futile attempt to save EBE and to gain favor with this technologically superior alien race the United States began broadcasting a call for help early in 1952 into the vast regions of space. The call went unanswered but the project continued as an effort of good faith.

Creation of the NSA

President Truman created the super secret National Security Agency by secret Executive Order on November 4,1952. Its primary purpose was to decipher the alien communications and language and establish a dialogue with the aliens. This most urgent task was a continuation of the earlier effort and was code named SIGMA. The secondary purpose of the NSA was to monitor all communications and emissions from any and all devices worldwide for the purpose of gathering intelligence, both human and alien, and to contain the secret of the alien presence. Project SIGMA was successful. The NSA also maintains communications with the Luna base and other secret space programs. By Executive Order the NSA is exempt from all laws which do not specifically name the NSA in the text of the law as being subject to that law. That means that if the agency is not spelled out in the text of any and every law passed by the Congress it is not subject to that or those laws. The NSA now performs many other duties and in fact is the premiere agency whithin the intelligence community. Today NSA receives 75% of the moneys allotted to the intelligence community. The old saying "where the money goes therein the power resides" is true. The DCI today is a figurehead maintained as a public ruse. The primary task of the NSA is still alien communications but now includes other Alien projects as well.

President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing alien problem since the Roswell recovery. This had been done in case the aliens turned out to be a threat to the human race. Plans were formulated to defend the Earth in case of invasion. Great difficulty was encountered in maintaining international secrecy. It was decided that an outside group was necessary to coordinate and control international efforts in order to hide the secret from the normal scrutiny of governments by the press. The result was the formation of a secret society known as the "Bilderburgers". The headquarters of this group is in Geneva, Switzerland. The Bilderburgers evolved into a secret world government that now controls everything. The United Nations was then, and is now, an international joke.

A New President

In 1953 a new man occupied the White House. He was a man used to a structured staff organization with a chain of command. His method was to delegate authority and rule by committee. He made major decisions but only when his advisors were unable to come to consensus. His normal method was to read through or listen to several alternatives and then approve one. Those who worked closely with him have stated that his favorite comment was, "just do whatever it takes". He spent a lot of time on the golf course. This was not all unusual for a man who had been career Army with the ultimate position of Supreme Allied Commander during the war. A post which carried 5 stars along with it. This president was General of the Army Dwight David Eisenhower.

During his first year in office, 1953, at least 10 more alien crashed disks were recovered along with 26 dead and 4 live aliens. Of the 10, 4 were found in Arizona, 2 in Texas, 1 in New Mexico, 1 in Louisiana, 1 in Montana, and 1 in South Africa. There were hundreds of sightings.

Eisenhower knew that he had to wrestle and beat the alien problem. He knew that he could not do it be revealing the secret to the Congress. Early in 1953 the new president turned to his friend and fellow member of the Council on Foreign relations, Nelson Rockefeller for help with the alien problem. Eisenhower and Rockefeller began planning the secret structure of alien task supervision which was to become a reality within one year. The idea for MJ-12 was thus born. It was Nelson's Uncle Winthrop Aldrich who had been crucial in convincing Eisenhower to run for President. The whole Rockefeller family and with them the Rockefeller empire had solidly backed Ike. Asking Rockefeller for help with the alien problem was to be the biggest mistake Eisenhower ever made for the future of the United States and most probably all of humanity.

Within 1 week of Eisenhower's election he had appointed Nelson Rockefeller chairman of a Presidential Advisory Committee on Government Organization. Rockefeller was responsible for planning the reorganization of the government. New Deal programs went into 1 single cabinet position called the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. When the Congress approved the new cabinet position in April of 1953, Nelson was named to the post of Undersecretary to Oveta Culp Hobby.

Heading For Earth

In 1953 astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving towards Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could only be spaceships. Project Sigma intercepted alien radio communication. When the objects reached the Earth they took up a very high orbit around the equator. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Project Sigma, and a new project, Plato, through radio communications using the computer binary language, was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face to face contact with alien beings from another planet. Project Plato was tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this alien race of space aliens.

In the meantime a race of human-looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government. This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self-destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the earth, stop raping the Earth's natural resources, and learn to live in harmony. These terms were met with extreme suspicion especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had nothing in history to help with the decision. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States. The overtures were rejected.

Later in 1954 the race of large nosed gray aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force base. A basic agreement was reached. This race identified themselves as originating from a planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we call Betelgeuse. They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would'nt be able to survive there. This led to a second landing at Edwards Air Force base. The historical event had been planned in advance and details of the treaty had been agreed upon. Eisenhower arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day the President was spirited away to the base and the excuse was given to the press that he was visiting a dentist.

Formal Treaty Signed

President Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty between the Alien Nation and the United States of America was signed. We then received our first Alien Ambassador from outer space. His name and title was his "Omnipotent Highness Krlll", pronounced Krill. In the American tradition of disdain for royal titles, he was secretly called "Original Hostage Krlll". You should know that the alien flag is known as the "Trilateral Insignia". It is displayed on their craft and worn on their uniforms. Both of these landings and the second meeting were filmed. The films exist today.

The Treaty stated: The aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other earth nation. They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, that the humans would have no memory of the event, and that the alien nation would furnish MJ-12 a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis. It was agreed that each nation would recieve the Ambassador of the other for as long as the treaty remained in force. It was further agreed that the Alien Nation and the United States would exchange 16 personnel each to the other with the purpose of learning, each of the other.

Underground Bases

The Alien "Guests" would remain on earth and the "human guests" would travel to the Alien point of origin for a specified period of time then return, at which point a reverse exchange would be made. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the Alien nation and that 2 bases would be constructed for the joint use the the Alien nation and the United States Government. Exchange of technology would take place in the jointly occupied bases. These alien bases would be constructed under Indian reservations in the 4 corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado, and 1 would be constructed in Nevada in the area known as S-4 located approximately 7 miles south of the western border of Area 51. All alien bases are under complete control of the Department of Naval Intelligence and all personel who work in these complexes receive their checks from the Navy. Construction of the bases began immediately but progress was slow until large amounts of money were made available in 1957. Work continued on the "Yellow Book".

Area 51 and S-4

Project REDLIGHT was formed and experimentation in test flying alien aircraft was begun in earnest. A super top-secret facility was built at Groom Lake in Nevada in the midst of the weapons test range. It was code named DREAMLAND. The installation was placed under the Department of the Navy and clearance of all personnel required "Q" clearance as well as Executive (Presidential) approval. This is ironic due to the fact that the President of the United States does not have clearance to visit the site. The alien base and exchange of technology actually took place in an area known as S-4. Area S-4 was code named "The Dark Side of the Moon".

The Army was tasked to form a super secret organization to furnish security for all alien tasked projects. This organization became the National Reconnaissance Organization based at Fort Carson, Colorado. The specific teams trained to secure the projects were called DELTA.

A second project code named SNOWBIRD was promulgated to explain away any sightings of the REDLIGHT crafts as being Air Force experiments. The SNOWBIRD crafts were manufactured using conventional technology and were flown for the press on several occasions. Project SNOWBIRD was also used to debunk legitimate public sightings of alien craft (UFO's). Project SNOWBIRD was very successful and reports from the public decline steadily until recent years.

Secret Funding

A multi-million dollar secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House. This fund was used to build over 75 deep underground facilities. Presidents who asked were told the fund was used to build deep underground shelters for the President in case of war. Only a few were built for the President. Millions of dollars were funneled through this office to MJ-12 and then out to the contractors and was used to build top-secret alien bases as well as top-secret DUMB (Deep Underground Military Bases), and facilities promulgated by "Alternative 2", throughout the nation. President Johnson used this fund to build a movie theatre and pave the road on his ranch. He had no idea of its purpose.

The secret White House Underground Construction fund was set up in 1957 by President Eisenhower. The funding was obtained from Congress under the guise of "construction and maintenance of secret sites where the President could be taken in case of military attack: Presidential Emergency Sites". The sites are literally holes in the ground, deep enough to withstand a nuclear blast and are outfitted with state of the art communications equipment. To date there are more than seventy five sites spread around the country which were built using money from this fund. The Atomic Energy Commission has built at least an additional 22 underground sites.

The location and everything to do with these sites were and are considered and treated as top-secret. The money was and is in control of the Military Office of the White House, and was and is laundered through a circuitous web that even the most knowledgeable spy or accountant can not follow. As of 1980 only a few at the beginning and end of this web knew what the money was for. At the beginning were Representative George Mahon, of Texas, and the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and of its Defense Subcommittee: and Representative Robert Sikes, of Florida, chairman of the House Appropriations Military Construction Subcommittee. Today it is rumored that House Speaker Jim Wright controls the money in Congress and that a power struggle is underway to remove him. At the end of the line were the President, MJ-12, the director of the Military Office and a commander at the Washington Navy Yard.

The money was authorized by the Appropriation Committee who allocated it to the Department of Defense as a top-secret item in the army construction program. The Army, however, could not spend it and in fact did not even know what it was for. Authorization to spend the money was in reality given to the Navy. The money was channeled to the Chesapeake Division of the Navy Engineers who did not know what it was for either. Not even the Commanding Officer, who was an Admiral, knew what the fund was to be used for. Only one man, a Navy Commander, who was assigned to the Chesapeake Division but in reality was responsible only to the Military Office of the White House knew of the actual purpose, amount, and ultimate destination of the top-secret fund. The total secrecy surrounding the fund meant that almost every trace of it could be made to disappear by the very few people who controlled it. There has never been and most likely never will be an audit of this secret money.

Large amounts of money were transferred from the top-secret fund to a location at Palm Beach, Florida that belongs to the Coast Guard called Peanut Island. The island is adjacent to property which was onwed by Joseph Kennedy. The money was said to have been used for landscaping and general beautification. Some time ago a TV news special on the Kennedy assassination told of a Coast Guard Officer transferring money in a briefcase to a Kennedy employee across this property line. Could this have been a secret payment to the Kennedy family for the loss of their son John F. Kennedy? The payments continued through the year 1967 and then stopped. The total amount transferred is unknown and the actual use of the money is unknown. (reprinted with permission)

MJ-12 Top Secret Documents

18 NOVEMEBR, 1952

WARNING: This is a TOP SECRET - EYES ONLY document containing
compartmentalized information essential to the national security of
the United States. EYES ONLY ACCESS to the material herin is strictly
limited to those possessing Majestic-12 clearance level. Reproduction
in any form or the taking of written or mechanically transcribed notes
is strictly forbidden.

************** ../1




NOTE: This document has been prepared as a preliminary briefing only.
It should be regarded as introductory to a full operations briefing
intended to follow.

* * * * * *

Development/Intelligence operation responsible directly and only to
the President of the United States. Operations of the project are
carried out under control of the Majestic-12 (Majic-12) Group which
was established by special classified executive order of President
Truman on 24 September, 1947, upon recommendation by Dr. Vannevar Bush
and Secretary James Forrestal. (See Attachment "A".) Members of the
majestic-12 Group were designated as follows:

Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter
Dr. Vannevar Bush
Secy. James V. Forrestal
Gen. Nathan F. Twining
Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg
Dr. Detlev Bronk
Dr. Jerome Hunsaker
Mr. Sidney W. Souers
Mr. Gordon Gray
Dr. Donald Menzel
Gen. Robert M. Montague
Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner

The death of Secretary Forrestal on 22 May, 1949, created a vacancy
which remained unfilled until 01 August, 1950, upon which date Gen.
Walter B. Smith was designated as permanent replacement.

************** ../2

On 24 June, 1947, a civilian pilot, flying over the Cascade Mountains
in the State of Washington observed nine flying disc-shaped aircraft
travelling in formation at a high rate of speed. Although this was not
the first known sighting of such objects, it was the firs to gain
widespread attention in the public media. Hundereds of reports of
sightings of similar objects followed. Many of these came from highly
credible military and civilian sources. These reports resulted in
independent efforts by several different elements of the military to
ascertain the nature and purpose of these objects in the interests of
national defense. A number of witnesses were interviewed and there
were several unsuccessful attemts to utilise aircraft in efforts to
pursue reported discs in flight. Public reaction bordered on near
hysteria at times.

In spite of these efforts, little of substance was learned about the
objects until a local rancher reported that one had crashed in a
remote region of New Mexico located approximately seventy-five miles
northwest of Roswell Army Air Base (now Walker Field).

On 07 July, 1947, a secret operation was begun to assure recovery of
the wreckage of this object for scientific study. During the course of
this operation, aerial reconnaissance discovered that four small
human-like beings had apparently ejected from the craft at some point
before it exploded. These had fallen to earth about two miles east of
the wreckage site. All four were dead and badly decomposed due to
action by predators and exposure to the elements during the
approximately one week time period which had elapsed before their
discovery. A special scientific took charge of removing these bodies
for study. (See Attachment "C".) The wreckage of the craft was also
removed to several different locations. (See Attachment "B".) Civilian
and military witnesses in the area were debriefed, and news reporters
wee given the effective cover story that the object had been a
misguided weather research balloon.

************** ../3

A covert analytical effort organized by Gen. Twining and Dr. Bush
acting on the direct orders of the President, resulted in a
preliminary concensus (19 September, 1947) that the disc was most
likely a short range reconnaissance craft. This conclusion was based
for the most part on the craft's size and the apparent lack of any
identifiable provisioning. (See Attachment "D".) A similar analysis of
the four dead occupants was arranged by Dr. Bronk. It was the
tentative conclusion of this group (30 november, 1947) that although
these creatures are human-like in appearance, the biological and
evolutionary processes responsible for their development has
apparently been quite different from those observed or postulated in
homo-sapiens. Dr Bronk's tea has suggested the term "Extra-terrestrial
Biological Entities", or "EBEs", be adopted as the standard term of
reference for these creatures until such time as a more definitive
designation can be agreed upon.

Since it is virtually certain that these craft do not originate in any
country on earth, considerable speculation has centred around what
their point of origin may be and how they get here. Mars was and
remains a possibility, although some scientists, most notably Dr.
Menzel, consider it more likely that we are dealing with beings from
another solar system entirely.

Numerous examples of what appear to be a form of writing were found in
the wreckage. Efforts to decipher these have remained largely
unsuccessful. (See Attachment "E".) Equally unsuccessful have been
efforts to determine the methods of propulsion or the nature or method
of transmission of the power source involved. Research along these
lines has been complicated by the complete absence of identifiable
wings, propellors, jets, or other conventional methods of propulsion
and guidance, as well as a total lack of metallic wiring, vacuum
tubes, or similar recognizable electronic components. (See Attachment
"F".) It is assumed that the propulsion unit was completely destroyed
by the explosion which caused the crash.

************** ../4

A need for as much additional information as possible about these
craft, their performance characteristics and their purpose led to the
undertaking known as U.S. Air Force Project SIGN in December, 1947. In
order to preserve security, liason between SIGN and Majestic-12 was
limited to two individuals within the Intelligence Division of Air
Material Command whose role was to pass along certain types of
information through channels. SIGN evolved into Project GRUDGE in
December, 1948. The operation is currently being conducted unde the
code name BLUE BOOK, with liason maintained through the Air Force
officer who is head of the project.

On 06 december, 1950, a second object, probably os similar origin,
impacted the earth at high speed in the El Indio - Guerrero area of
Texas - Mexican border after following a long trajectory through the
atmosphere. by the time a search team arrived, what remained of the
object as been totally incinerated. Such material as could be
recovered was transported to the A.E.C. facility at Sandia, New
Mexico, for study.

Implications for the National Security are of continuing importance in
that the motives and ultimate intentions of these visitors remain
completely unknown. In addition, a significant upsurge in the
surveillance activity of these craft beginning in May and continuing
through the autumn of this year has caused considerable concern that
new developments may be iminent. It is for these reasons, as well as
the obvious international and technological considerations and the
ultimate need to avoid a public panic at all costs, that the Majestic-
12 Group remains of the unanimous opinion that imposition of the
strictest security precautions should continue without interruption
into the new administration. At the same time, contingency plan
MJ-1949-04P/78 (Top Secret - Eyes Only) should be held in continued
readiness should the need to make a public announcement present
itself. (See Attachment "G".)

************** ../5


*ATTACHMENT "A"........Special Classified Executive
Order #092447. (TS/EO)

*ATTACHMENT "B"........Operation Majestic-12 Status
Report #1, Part A. 30 NOV '47.

*ATTACHMENT "C"........Operation Majestic-12 Status
Report #1, Part B. 30 NOV '47.

*ATTACHMENT "D"........Operation Majestic-12 Preliminary
Analytical Report. 19 SEP '47.

*ATTACHMENT "E"........Operation Majestic-12 Blue Team
Report #5. 30 JUN '52.

*ATTACHMENT "F"........Operation Majestic-12 Status
Report #2. 31 JAN '48.

*ATTACHMENT "G"........Operation Majestic-12 Contingency
Plan MJ-1949-04P/78: 31 JAN '49.

*ATTACHMENT "H"........Operation Majestic-12, Maps and
Photographs Folio (Extractions).

************** ../6


Dear Secretary Forrestal:

As per our recent conversation on this matter, you are hereby
authorized to proceed with all due speed and caution upon your
undertaking. Hereafter this matter shall be referred to only as
Operation Majestic Twelve.

It continues to be my feeling that any future considerations
relative to the ultimate disposition of this matter should rest solely
with the Office of the President following appropriate discussions
with yourself, Dr. Bush and the Director of Central Intelligence.

(SIGNED Dwight D. Eisenhower)



Chemtrails = Depopulation


These aren't contrails, the normal vapor that follows a plane then dissipates and disappears, these are Chemtrails. They criss cross the sky all day long and these vapor trails don't dissipate and disappear, they linger in the skies for hours and they contain viruses, aerosols and cancers to purposely kill you and make you sick.

A conspiracy you might claim? How about intentional and premeditated murder?

How about a hideous plan to alter your DNA caused by the very air you breathe so you can become possessed and controlled by aliens?

How about a new change of atmosphere so that aliens can visibly inhabit the earth and make humans their slaves?

Think it's a conspiracy? What do you call a conspiracy when it's been proven true?

Look UP....

There's a secret plan underway by our government, military, and their alien friends to destroy, kill, and enslave you! Their New World Order is a world without 5.5 billion people!! Their depopulation program is running all day every day in every country!

The Bible codes reveal that Chemtrails are ordered by the Oval Office and financed through the Navy and operated by the Naval Command. The Chemtrail Operation is a "cleansing" operation of murder and assassination by aerial assault against mankind. The Chemtrails are contaminating our air, water, and food supply all through a government funded project named Cloverleaf.

Other terms associated with Chemtrails in the Bible Codes:

Poison, intoxicant, drug, venom, virus, death, FEMA, sepsis, contamination, vaporization, evaporation, dissolvent, entrails (intestines), asthma, sky, daily, cripple, disable, dimensional, butane, arsenic, arid, acidification, bad, severe, acute, serious, evil, wickedness, atrocious, ill, chemical

Link to the bible codes found here:

And a smaller mankind the better, thus one of the biggest reasons for chemtrails is to depopulate the earth and destroy and kill as many people as possible, induce famines around the world, use the weather as a weapon against mankind, and manipulate our air and atmosphere so they can return earth to a pre-garden of Eden atmosphere with only 500 million of the chosen "elite" to inhabit earth. Sounds ridiculous right? Try telling them that. They're so sure their plans will work the governments around the world who are sold out to Satan are working in cohoots with him and his alien forces to murder 5.5 billion people to make it happen.


Sorry this article isn't that long but i couldn't find much out about these chemtrails but i do believe they are spraying h1n1 by air among other things to lower our immune systems so that we get sick and die.

The Montauk Project


The Montauk Project took place at a base which is now a state park called Camp Hero in Montauk NY in Long Island. Camp officials don't allow anyone to come near this building. A group of people went close to get a better look and was interrogated at gun point in the year of 2009. They don't allow any picnics near the place either. Why do they have the place as a State Park then?? Regardless, this place is still under protection and they don't want the secrets that are safeguarded in this place to be left out for the public view.

A Interview with Preston Nichols, and Cameron Duncan

The Philadelphia experiment originally began back in the 1930's in Chicago with three people. Dr. John Hutchinson Sr., who was the Dean of the University of Chicago, Nicola Tesla, and Dr. Kurtenaur, who was an Austrian physicist who was on staff at the University.

They decided to do something with the speculation regarding the concept of things and people being invisible. This subject had been discussed for several year. They got together and did some research at the University of Chicago around 1931 or 1932. In 1933 the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton was formed and the project was transferred there in 1934. One of the people on staff at the Institute was Dr. John Erich Von Neumann, who was from Budapest Hungary. He got his degree in chemistry in 1925 and his Ph.D. in mathematics in 1926. He taught in Europe for about four years and transferred to the United States. He taught at the graduate level for three years and was invited to join the Institute.

Other people at the Institute included Albert Einstein, who left Germany in 1930. He went to the California Institute of Technology for three years and taught there and then went to the Institute upon their invitation and acceptance. A lot of other people showed up there as time went on. The project expanded about 1936. In the meantime, Tesla was named director of the project. He was a friend of president Franklin Roosevelt, whom Tesla met in 1917 when FDR was secretary of the Navy.

Tesla was asked at that time to do some work for the government for the war effort, which he did. He accepted and became director of the invisibility project until he resigned in 1942. In 1936, after intensive study, they decided to have an initial test of their work. They achieved some partial invisibility. The Navy and everyone else was encouraged to continue the work, and the Navy supplied money for research.

Scientists were coming to the United States from Germany until 1939, when the war with Germany was started.

In 1940, after research using Tesla's approach, they decided they were ready for a full test at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. They had a small ship and a tender ship at each side. One ship provided the power and the other supplied the drive for the coils. They were tendered to the test ship by cables. The idea was that if anything went wrong they could cut the cables or sink the test ship. Everything worked and the project was declared a success.

The important point about the 1940 test is that there was no one on board the test vehicle. It was strictly a dry run with no people. This is important because of what happened later. Other people came on board. Thomas T. Brown joined the project because of his expertise in electrogravity effects. He had the task of solving the problem of the German magnetic mines that were affecting allied shipping and Naval efforts. This led into a parallel project which involved the use of disguising coils and cables to explode the mines at a distance from the ship.

The Navy wanted several people to keep an eye on the tests. That is how I got involved. Keeping technical commentaries. Let's look at Nicola Tesla.

In 1879 his father died and his first year at college ended. He came to the United States in1884. He had enormously intuitive insight. He had a perfect track record. Before coming to the US he had known Robert Oppenheimer, who later worked with the development of the atomic bomb, and Dr. David Hilbert, the mathematician who devised equations for Hilbert Space, which described multiple space or multiple realities mathematically.

These equations for multiple space became very important in the project. Dr. von Neumann met Hilbert in 1927 and retained a lot of what he had learned. With that, Von Neumann developed other new systems of mathematics. Von Neumann was considered to be one of the most outstanding mathematicians in this century. Some think he was better than Einstein. Another mathematician involved was Dr. John Levinson, who was born in 1912. He died in 1976. He published three books on mathematics. Levinson developed the so-called Levinson Time Equations. with all this behind them, the group had all they needed to proceed with the project.

After the successful 1940 test, the Navy decided to give the project unlimited funds and to classify the project. In 1942 Tesla was given a ship and a crew for a full sized test. Tesla got a battleship. Tesla and Von Neumann didn't agree on some things. Tesla insisted that they were going to have a very severe problem with personnel. Tesla wanted more time but the NAVY wouldn't agree. Tesla made periodic announcements in the late 1930's and early 1940's about his contact with off planet species. He was in contact with the outside, who agreed that there was a problem with the people. He decided to sabotage the 1942 test in an attempt to stop the project. He de-tuned the equipment so nothing would work. The test failed. Tesla then turned the project over to Von Neumann in March 1942 and left the project.

Von Neumann went to the Navy and requested time to study the problem to determine what had gone wrong. Von Neumann decided to make changes in some of the equipment. He decided he would need a special ship that was designed from the ground up. The Eldridge was selected. The equipment was built into the ship. They put all the equipment on the ship. October 1942 arrived. They selected 33 volunteers for the crew, who arrived after graduation in December 1942. We still have a picture of the class.

After the ship was out of drydock work began. In May of 1943 von Neumann installed a third generator. It would never synchronize with the other two. It went out of control one day and zapped one of the men. Von Neumann pulled out the third generator (installed because Tesla had convinced Von Neumann of the potential problem with people) and went back to the original design. In mid June, the ship had sea trials. On July 22, 1943, they had the test. The ship between radar and optically invisible. They discovered people very disoriented. The Navy pulled the crew off and consulted Von Neumann, who requested more time again from the Navy. The Navy, after consultation with higher-ups, announced that the drop dead date was on the 12th of August, 1943. Von Neumann voiced his concern that it wasn't enough time.

The Navy decided that it just wanted radar invisibility and not optical invisibility. The equipment was again modified by Von Neumann. August 12th arrived. We knew things were not right. The test began, and for about a minute everything was all right. The ships outline could be seen in the water. There was suddenly a blue flash and the ship disappeared entirely. No radio communication was possible. It was gone. In about three hours it came back. One of the masts was broken.

Some personnel were partially embedded in the steel deck. Others were fading in and out. Some disappeared entirely. Many were insane. The Navy extracted the crew and proceeded with four days of meetings to decided what to do about the problem. They decided there would be one more test with another dry run without personnel. They conducted the dry run using about 1000 feet of cable attached to another ship. In late October 1943 the test occurred. The ship disappeared for about 20 minutes. When it returned, they found equipment missing. Two transmitter cabinets and one generator was missing. The cabinet with the zero-time reference generator was intact. At that point, the Navy stripped the ship and stopped the project. The Eldridge served in the war and was turned over to Greece at the end of the war.

The important thing is that there were two tests that were exactly 40 years apart to the day. It was a 40 year separation in hyperspace. Now, the Earth itself has a biorhythm that peaks on a 20 year cycle on August 12th. It "just happened" to peak and provided the connecting link through the fields of the Earth for the two experiments to lock up in hyperspace. Walk-in efforts are aided if they occur during this peak.

The ship was pulled into hyperspace. We were inside the ship and knew something was drastically wrong with the test. We tried to shut it off but it wouldn't shut off. We ran out on deck and jumped over the side of the ship. We jumped overboard but ended up in a time tunnel which ended at Montauk, Long Island on August 12th, 1983. At night.

We were found very quickly and taken down stairs, where Von Neumann greeted us. He expected us. It was a bit of a shock. We had just been in 1943 and now we were in 1983 looking at Von Neumann as an old man. He said that there was a hyperspace lockup and that we had to go back and shut off the generators on the ship or the hyperspace rift would keep increasing and possibly engulf the planet. He had been waiting 40 years for us to arrive.

Montauk sent us back and we smashed the equipment with axes. The ship returned to its original point in space and about three hours later in time. From 1943 on, Von Neumann didn't know what happened. He had modified earlier equipment in 1943 to where he had a full blown time machine. The Germans also were working on time travel, and had it working in 1945 just before the end of the war. This is all a matter of record.

After the Navy decided to shut down the project in 1943, Von Neumann was sent to work on the atomic bomb project at Los Alamos until that was over. In 1947 there were major changes in the Department of Defense. Someone in the new structure decided to dig up the Philadelphia project to see if they could find out what went wrong. They asked Von Neumann to "take another look" at the project. He agreed.

There is another matter. Starting about August 6th, 1943, UFOs appeared over the Eldridge for about six days. They were there during the test. One of the UFOs was sucked up into hyperspace with the Eldridge and it ended up in an underground facility in Montauk in 1983. It contained a charging device which some aliens made us go back and get for them, as they didn't want humans to have it. We don't know who they were. Pruett was concerned about an alien invasion.

Also, Von Neumann was called by the government to come and assist in the examination of a crashed UFO in 1947 at Aztec. Another crash occurred at Aztec about a year later. The first crash had greys on it and none survived. At least one occupant survived the second crash. The radar systems unintentionally brought down the craft. Radar was used intentionally after that until the aliens got wise to it.

The occupant of the second crash was not a grey, and Von Neumann got to talk with it. Von Neumann asked it what the answer to the invisibility problems could be. He learned that he had to go back and do his homework in metaphysics. The nature of the problem was that the personnel on the ship were not locked to the zero time reference of the ship. Humans are normally locked to the point of conception as a time reference, not a zero-time reference. The time stream lock allows the person to flow in synch with the system so interaction is possible.

Time locks are fragile. All the power of the project disrupted the time-locks of the people on the deck on the ship. When the ship came back in time, the people didn't come back to the same reference.

Von Neumann realized that he needed a computer, as well as some knowledge of metaphysics in order to be able to lock the time reference of the people to the time reference of the ship. He built a computer in 1950 for the purpose. It was ready to be installed in 1952 and a test was performed in 1953 that was successful. They didn't go floating off into space when it was over. At this point, the Navy canceled Project Rainbow and changed the name to project Phoenix.

A lot came out of the negative effects of the Rainbow project. Some of it led to mind control research programs in the Phoenix project. The invisibility research produced some Stealth technology as well as other highly classified projects.

In 1983, they decided to apply mind control to all participants in these projects in an effort to cover them up. They had also been working on another project: age regression. Now, Tesla had sought back in the 1940's to develop equipment that could help the members of the crew after they lost time-lock . The government developed it into the age regression program. It was physical age regression. A person retained the memory they had from the older age.

Tesla's theory was that if you took the individual's time-lock and moved it forward in time than you would remove aging. That's what happened. It took between 30 and 60 days for the body to complete the change to the new time reference.

When our astronauts first landed on the moon in 1969 they were greeted by a fleet of disks sitting on the rim of a crater. The astronauts asked their superiors if they knew about these disks. They were told "yes", that they were American disks. The astronauts were angry at being used as public relations men by the government.

Well, the aircraft combines two aspects for invisibility. One of the aspects relates to the construction and coating applied to the surface. The other aspect relates to an electronic type of invisibility package which is a result of work done on the Philadelphia experiment years ago. Also, the stealth has a secondary drive system which is very advanced and allows it to fly in space. The assistant director of NASA admitted that this came straight out of alien technology. He admitted this to the public.

There are breaks in the government secrecy programs that are starting to show up. More and more people are getting totally disgusted with government activities and attitudes and they are beginning to talk.

The Phoenix Project was a project that evolved out of the Philadelphia Project. It was a project that the Navy did in the 1930's and 1940's in an attempt to make ships invisible. They threw the switch one eventful day and the ship went into hyperspace. They had all sorts of problems with the people on the boat. It was a huge success as well as a huge failure - then they shelved it. Around 1947 it was decided to re-activate the project and it was moved to Brookhaven National Laboratories with Dr. John Von Neumann and his associates. Out of Phoenix I came Stealth technology. It also produced all sorts of energetic little toys like the radiosonde.

The radiosonde was a little white box that they attached to a balloon and sent up into the atmosphere. The government told people that it involved gathering weather data. It used a very unusual type of pulse modulation. In most cases they used a CW (continuous wave) oscillator and pulsed the signal. This turned out to be a very efficient conversion of electrical energy to etheric energy. They were designed up at Brookhaven National Labs. I started to talk to people at Brookhaven and ran into a retired gentleman who used to work there. He told me that the design was originally done by Wilhelm Reich.

The story goes that in about 1947 Wilhelm Reich handed the US Government a weather control device, a device that would do DOR-busting. Reich thought that if he could decrease the amount of DOR that storms would not be so violent. (DOR is the result of orgone energy coming into contact with an enclosed radioactive source). Deadly Orgone Energy is DOR. The government sent the device up into a storm and it did reduce the intensity of the storm. They worked.

The Montauk Project was a combination of Wilhelm Reich's work and the Philadelphia Experiment. There were two separate projects going on in Phoenix One. You had the invisibility aspect and you had the development of Wilhelm Reich's weather control. Toward the end of the Phoenix project, by using some of Wilhelm Reich's concepts and some of the transmission schemes used from the "radiosonde" project, they found that you could combine the two -factors and use them for 'Mind Control'.

The people who were running it went to the military and proposed that they could use it to "influence the minds of the enemy". The military loved the idea, and let them use the old Montauk Air Force Base. Among the equipment requested was an old SAGE radar unit, which was on the base. The base was shut down and everything was auctioned off. The group then moved in from the Brookhaven Labs. That began what we call Phoenix Two. They spent the first ten years from about 1969 to about 1979, researching pure mind control.

The first part of the mind control project was to take an individual and stand them about 250 feet away from the antenna. The SAGE radar had a peak pulse power of .5 MW. The antenna had a gain of 30db. That means an effective radiated power of at least a gigawatt. It was nominally a gigawatt. Can you imagine what that would do to people? I think its amazing these people are still here. It does things like burn out brain functions, create neurological damage, scar lungs from heat, etc. They tried this with a number of people and there were few survivors. The subjects were often indigent people they grabbed off the streets.

The project was controlled by Dr. John Von Neumann and Jack Pruett. About 30 people worked there. It was a joint project...Air Force & Navy. Original funding came from the Nazi government funds. In 1944 there was an American troop train that went through a French railroad tunnel carrying $10 billion in Nazi gold which they had found.

It was $10 billion at the 1944 price of $20 per ounce. The train was blown up in the tunnel. It killed 51 American soldiers. The gold turned up ten years later at Montauk. This has been verified. That money was used to finance the project for many years as the value of gold went up.

They spent all of it and ran out of money. That's when they tapped on ITT, who funded it. ITT was owned by Krupp in Germany. In terms of personnel, many of the civilians and scientists there were all ex-Nazi's who came from Germany both before and after the war ended.

The project was under US Government surveillance. The intelligence community knew what was going on and the CIA monitored everything, as did other government intelligence agencies. The field of players who actually operated on the base was small, between 30 and 50.

The funding was entirely private. After 1983, Senator Goldwater found out about it and started an investigation. He couldn't find any trace of government funding. Pruett was the metaphysical director of the project. He was Air Force. After he left Dr. Herman C. Untermann took over. They had an electronics expert, Dr. Mathew E. Zerrett, who came over from Germany in 1946 with Werner von Braun. Probably the reason that they ran out of money is that they had a total of 25 bases around the United States to support. The last of the bases shut down August 12, 1983. The base at Montauk, where all the stations got their zero-time reference from, shut down and the other two remaining bases went down with it.

Other experiments included time travel. No one has picked up a tangible future beyond 2012 AD. There is a very abrupt wall there with nothing on the other side. A working time vortex was created to the future.

At one point a creature came through and everyone went into a panic. They shut the transmitter off. The creature ate people and equipment. They had to go back and shut down the unit in Philadelphia in order to shut off the unit in the future so they could stop this creature in 1983. This was on August 12,1983.

The Montauk Monster of July 2008

This photograph of the creature's corpse appeared in July 2008,
quickly circulating through local papers and the Internet.

The "Montauk Monster" was an unidentified creature that allegedly washed ashore dead on a beach near Montauk New York business district in July 2008. The identity of the creature, and the veracity of stories surrounding it, have been the subject of unresolved controversy and speculation, although the current consensus, based on dental patterns and details of the front paws, is that it was a Racoon.


The story began with a July 23, 2008 article in a local newspaper, The Independent. Jenna Hewitt, 26, of Montauk, and three friends said they found the creature on July 12 at the Ditch Plains beach, two miles east of the district. The beach is a popular surfing spot at Rheinstein Estate Park owned by the town of East Hampton. Jenna Hewitt was quoted:

We were looking for a place to sit when we saw some people looking at something... We didn't know what it was... We joked that maybe it was something from Plum Island.

Her color photograph ran in black and white under the headline "The Hound of Bonacville" (a take-off on the name Bonackers, which refers to the natives of East Hampton, and The Hound of the Baskervilles which is a book in the Sherlock Holmes series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle). The light-hearted article speculated that the creature might be a turtle or some mutant experiment from the Plum Island Animal Disease Center before noting that Larry Penny, the East Hampton Natural Resources Director, had concluded it was a raccoon with its upper jaw missing. The article concluded that "someone took it away... to be buried... we hope." A local newspaper quoted an unidentified woman, who claimed that the animal was only the size of a cat, and had decomposed to a skeleton by the time of the press coverage. She would not identify its location for inspection. Hewitt's father denies claims that his daughter is keeping the body's location a secret.

Hewitt and her friends were interviewed on Plum-TV, a local cable television show. Alanna Navitski, an employee of Evolutionary Media Group in Los Angeles, California, passed a photo of the creature to Anna Holmes at Jezebel, claiming that a friend's sister saw the monster in Montauk. Holmes then passed it along to fellow Gawker Media website which gave it wide attention on July 29 under the headline "Dead Monster Washes Ashore in Montauk".

Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman at Cryptomundo first coined the name the "Montauk Monster" on July 29, 2008. The moniker was disseminated globally on the Internet in the following days. Photographs were widely circulated via email and weblogs, and the national media picked up on it raising speculation about the creature. The potential urban legend stature of the Montauk Monster was noted by Snopes.

In May 2009, the National Post reported that the owner of claimed to have found another incarnation.

The horse from the Montauk Project

This is the horse that the time travelers found while conducting experiments for the Montauk Project at camp hero in Montauk NY. Take note at how close this horse resembles the one from that of the Denver International Airport. I think there is a link here......


Okay, I don't agree with anything that the media said on this one. They thought it could be a decomposing dog? COME ON get real! The government most likely did more then just mind control experimentation here. I read the Montauk Project book written by Preston Nichols and i believe that the whole story is REAL!